RMNP 16 Notch Top Mt. Bear Lake to Fern Lake

RMNP 16 Notch Top Mt. Bear Lake to Fern Lake

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

2013 Stepping and laughing my way through life

It is time for another adventure of hiking.  This year we head back to the wilds of Glacier National Park and the on up into Waterton National Park in Canada.

Just a few things before we leave.  Canada received some major rains that cause much damage to much of the areas that we will be trying to visit. Although the flooding allowed us to get a better rate on a car rental because everyone else who had planned on coming to Calgary for the Stampede cancelled their reservations... These gave us a nice $120 savings.  It has also cause us to find out that many of the hikes which we had planned on doing are not going to be happening due to the access road being washed out.  Stay tuned as we decide what to do instead...

We also took a lovely training hike last Saturday in the rain out at our closet State park.  It was raining so it was a good time to check out the rain proofing on our rain gear and hiking boots.  Rain jackets and pains scored high on keeping the rain out, and as usual scored equally high on keeping our sweat from evaporating.  So we were wet, inside but not from the rain. Nice.

Kathi's boots made it about 34 minutes into the wet hike before succumbing to the water.  Mine made it about 2 hours before failure.  So when we got home I applied about 7 more coats of waterproofing to both boots.   Good to know these things before it is an all day slog in wet feet.

So stay tuned for the adventure, we do not have Internet during most of this trip so you will just have to stay patiently at your computers side waiting for the blog to begin.  In the mean time, start doing some vertical squats and core  outs to get in shape!

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