RMNP 16 Notch Top Mt. Bear Lake to Fern Lake

RMNP 16 Notch Top Mt. Bear Lake to Fern Lake

Friday, September 7, 2018

Re-Do Day

Re-Do Day

Today’s hike is back up to Van Trump Park Round trip was 8.5 miles
2930 foot Elevation up
2894 foot elevation down
This trail is pretty rough with rocks, roots, and large steps all the way up to Van Trump Park.  When we arrived at Comet Falls.  It was beautiful with the sun shining on it making a rainbow shine across the front of it.  It was a huge difference between the two days.

Continued on and went as far as we could on the unmaintained trail.  If the first part of the trail is rough then this part was really rough. That part of the trail is filled with steps that were waist high.  We could see the trail went up through the meadow and gained 800 feet of elevation from Van Trump Park before stopping.  On the way up through this section we saw two mountain goats on the bank on the other side of the creek.

 As we kept going, the trail turned from unmaintained to a scratch trail and then quickly became a goat trail. I declared I was finished going up.  We sat on a rock for a while before heading back down to the VTP where we sat in the sun and had lunch. The trip down was the interesting, the sun was shining and it was fun to see the sun rays shining down through the tall trees.  

It is good to complete a re-do hike and find that it truly was as beautiful as you might have imagined.  We enjoyed the whole day and found the redo well worth all the effort.

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