RMNP 16 Notch Top Mt. Bear Lake to Fern Lake

RMNP 16 Notch Top Mt. Bear Lake to Fern Lake

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Alpine Wonder:Paradise

Skyline trail:Paradise

78 degrees today
6995 peak elevation 1745 feet up and 1814 feet down

The loop trail is 5.7, but we added in some meandering.

7 .3 miles of alpine wonderland.
Steps to the wonderland start with “...the most luxuriant and the most extravagantly beautiful of all the alpine gardens I have ever beheld in all my mountain top wanderings .”  John Muir. Like a getaway to beauty our trip began by walking up theses steps. This alpine area has many trails and side shoots to wander about, we had a map and a plan.  We had good views and a day to spent wandering about. 

We went clockwise and enjoyed good views of the mountain and considered 19 years ago all of this was way under snow. During our time today we watched several groups of people with heaven laden packs working their way up to Camp Muir.  From there they will wake up at midnight, put on all of their special gear and begin their attempt at submitting the mountain.   Camp Muir is at 10,100. The top of the mountain 14400, so they have a little work to do.

We also saw a group of climbers receiving instruction on a snow field.  I imagine they were working on self arrest techniques as well as how to save a group member who has fallen into a cravas.  Hmmm, not for me!

We could see several people were making their way up through the snow fields up towards Camp Muir.  They looked like little dots crawling over the snow.  You can hike up to Camp Muir and just check the place out if you would like too.  We decided we did not need to hike in the snow.  Perhaps that would have been fun to do 19 years ago on betters knees.  We did find this trail very busy with people of all ages.  From little kids hiking with their flip flops on the those who were well into their use of the national parks senior pass.  (FYI 62 years of age, and $80 for a life time pass). And yes, I plan on getting mine!

We also watched as a helicopter shuttled supplies into and out of Camp Muir and Camp Schurman (9450 elevation).  Those are the two climbers camps high on the mountain. The helicopter would load down by Reflection Lakes and then long line items into one Camp, back for same load and into the other camp.  They also lone lined out items such as waste...  This operation started at around 7 am and was still going strong when we left at 2pm.  

We ended our day by shopping at the gift shop down in Longmire.  Kathi had her eye on a jersey sweatshirt and I picked up a great deal on a hooded sweat shirt. I think I received the senior discount and a end of season discount!  The lady was telling me all about her cousin named Penny... she must like this Penny a lot, because my sweatshirt was about 50% off😉.

Off to bed early tonight as we are out the door early tomorrow.  

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