RMNP 16 Notch Top Mt. Bear Lake to Fern Lake

RMNP 16 Notch Top Mt. Bear Lake to Fern Lake

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Les Houches to Les Contamines

Today we have a peaceful breakfast because we avoided the mad dash at 6:30.  Tonight we will be in a different hotel, but will return to this hotel in Chamonix, France in nine days.  This means we can remove any extra  items from our luggage and leave them in a secure place at this hotel. In theory this should lighten our bags for Caroline to lift and transfer over the next nine days.  Kathi and I leave behind a backpack filled with carefully considered extra items we might not be needing.

We leave the hotel and are shuttled through Chamonix to a cable car terminal.  We take the cable car lift from Les Houches to Bellevue where we start our hike beneath the tumbling Bionnassay Glacier to the Col du Tricot (6955'). Today's hike has some uphill, it also features a sturdy suspended cable wooden bridge.  The bridge extends about 60 feet across a ravine.  It is made up of large cable lines with attached wooden boards to step on spaced across the cables.  Walking across the bridge was an interactive experience as there was some pretty good bounce, swing and sway as you passed over the  raging rapids of glacier melt.  Some very good photo opportunities.  http://www.chamonix-mont-blanc-hiking.com/col_du_Tricot.html

After the bridge crossing we walk out of the woods into the view of a long steady rise of a treeless hillside to the top of Col du Tricot.  Before starting this up hill,we stop for a water break and talk about the huge moraine and the secondary moraine which we just climbed up and over. We get a brief history and geology lesson from Danielle while we stand and look out over the remains of two moraines from one glacier. This evidence indicates two ice periods.   The first ice period being over 10,000 years ago.  There are obvious signs of previous global warming and cooling through the ages.

We are headed to the top of the pass and there is nothing steep about this approach, it is just a steady up.  It takes us about forty-five minutes from our last water break to make it to the top.  On the way up, we can hear the tinkling of sheep bells, and even see a gathering of rocks which upon further visual scrutiny is actually a mound build into the hill.  The mound is a shepherds bad weather hut.  From the looks of it, the shepherd would have to belly crawl into the hut as there is only a tiny entrance.  

At the top of the Col we watch a herd of sheep slowly grazing and a few trying to find shade in the eleven o'clock sun.  At the saddle we see the remnant foundations of several buildings.  Danielle tells us that a Russian had wanted to build a castle at the top of the Col, but finally gave up on that idea.  The foundational footings are all that remain from that castle dream.

Sitting at the top of the pass we are able to look down at a meandering river and a few buildings of de Miage.  The buildings and river all look tiny as we have a huge mountain side to descend. The steep decent from the Col to, Chalets de Miage takes us one hour and twenty minutes of going downhill.  Here we stop for lunch amongst picturesque alpine meadows. We have our first hour long leisurely lunch.  Kathi and I sit over by the stream and catch up on the conversations we had had during the morning hike.  We then start shooting some back ground footage, on the go pro.  

As we are leaving the Miage there is a water pipe jetting out cold drinkable water from a spring.  Here we fill our camelback bags about half full.  We also stop in the privy.  This privy was a basin that had raised foot beds for you to stand on and then you just squat and go down a hole.  First time I have ever experienced that.  That was an interesting experience.

After lunch and a rest we continue up to Chalet du Truc (5642').  Climbing after eating is always hard, and today it is no exception. It was a pretty steep climb in the sun and very little breeze.  Our group is a little out of the groove.  It was a pretty hot day in the full sun, no breeze.  I don't think our group set any speed records coming up that section, but we all made it.  Dripping wet, but at the top! We ended our hiking day with a long downhill into Les Contamines (3828'), a charming town. Our hotel had a pool which was a welcomed amenity after today's workout.

The dinner tonight was wonderful as we had a huge salad, roasted chicken over a bed of spaghetti, followed by a cheese plate and delicious apple compote. Hmmmm, wonderful !

We had a grand time at the table laughing and giggling away the night.

Hiking: 8 miles; Elevation gain: 2,367 ft., Elevation loss: 3,127 ft.t
Group Picture Left to Right Back row first
Kathi, Penny Jenny, Bill, Danielle, MAryAnn, Rita, Brian, Cole, Chip
Front row left to right: Eve, Margaret, Sue


What a view

Sheep hiding in the shade

I'm kind of hot!

45 minutes to get down from the top

Another beautiful view

Map talk, Where we have been, where will we go tomorrow

Churches are usually in the center of town

Inside Refurbished Church

Hotel with a pool and a view

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