RMNP 16 Notch Top Mt. Bear Lake to Fern Lake

RMNP 16 Notch Top Mt. Bear Lake to Fern Lake

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

A Video Of Every One's Special Memory

I decided I needed to collect and make a video of everyones special memory.  I surprise most people with this question so that what ever came to their mind first was what most memorable. A fun little video, I hope you enjoy.


  1. How special this is. Pt

  2. My, Yes! I did enjoy. Even through the pictures and my virtual hiking conversations I was blessed too in growing in relationship with your fellow steppers. I recall conversation around your table of the uncertainity of who will be on the walkabout with you. God blessed you well and sure reinforced goodness of 'I am with you always'. Resting in the joy of answered prayers and being blessed with pressed down overflowing goodness. : )

  3. REI Adventures, yes, the pic's on the website don't cover the goodness of the beautiful reality of the Mount Blanc walk around, one step at a time : ) http://www.rei.com/adventures/trips/europe/tour-du-mont-blanc.html#pricing Thank you ALL for the generosity of letting me hike with you.... virtually.

    My best memory... the occasional emails while you were in Europe saying - reassuring that all is well. You used the word "amazing" with an occasional pic and yes, the cow bells playing. I got to rest in the goodness of prayers being answered for your safety.
