RMNP 16 Notch Top Mt. Bear Lake to Fern Lake

RMNP 16 Notch Top Mt. Bear Lake to Fern Lake

Monday, June 25, 2012

It is my hope that all of you have been checking in everyday to see where the big adventure will be this year. Drum roll please! For my 50 birthday we are off to Snowmass, CO for some redo of hikes that were under snow last year and then will spend the last half in the Leadville area. Colorado had 100 inches of snow during the month of May last year, which presented several challenges with uncrossable streams and snow at higher elevations. This year they are dealing with wild fires. (At this point most of the fires are north of Denver, I see one has started south of Denver last night.)   I imagine that there will be few fireworks for the the 4th of July. Well that is for the best due to the dry conditions. We will end the trip this year by attempting to go up two 14ers over by Leadville. Both Kathi and I did some reading during the winter months about the Tenth Army Division's preparations for WWII.  They spent much time in this part of the country getting ready to go to the mountains and fight against the Germans. Now the area of Leadville has a hut system in which people can hike from hut to hut or during the winter people can ski hut to hut. We also found during our vacation preparation, a through hike in Colorado which runs from Denver to Durango. Sooooooo we have that buzzing around in the back of our minds as some long term bucket list item. So much to do! To bad this thing called work keeps getting in our way. So now that you know where we are going, you need to get in shape for your virtual hike. Start your sit ups and push ups now as the trip begins on July 4th.